Creating Original & Unique Oil Paintings & Hand Painted Crafts
Tap into your creative side and fill an empty space with a touch of color and wonder. With a range of subject matter and a diverse selection, JC Barber Art offers the perfect piece to add beauty to any room.
Whether you're a seasoned art collector or just starting to build your collection, our hand-painted crafts are sure to impress. Each piece is created with care and attention to detail, ensuring that you receive a truly unique and high-quality work of art.
Discover the joy of owning original artwork and let it inspire and captivate you every day. Don't settle for mass-produced prints when you can have a one-of-a-kind masterpiece that reflects your individuality and style.
Living and working in Essex Jennifer C Barber has a vast array of artworks spanning 30 plus years, some are rough sketches or doodles, many are oil on canvas paintings.
Bringing up a family came first, and through many years any social art networking was non existent. Asides from a few library exhibitions in Essex, way back in the millenium 1999-2001, and one or two art & craft stalls, there has not been much else, unless you count popping into a few local galleries with an artwork or two sporadically just to say Hi ‘ but to no great achievement on them rare occasions. Now with a grown up family there is perhaps some opportunity for future events and exhibitions.