Oil Painting & Artwork . JC Barber Art .

Oil Painting & Artwork . JC Barber Art .

  • Welcome art enthusiasts to JC Barber Art, where you can explore a range of diverse subject matter. Fill your empty spaces with a touch of vibrant colour and a sense of wonder.

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    Specializing in exquisite oil paintings on canvas

    Oil paintings

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    Discover a range of unique hand painted creations.

    Hand painted crafts

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    Explore a range of quality miniature art for little spaces


Discover more about JC Barber Art and the original & unique Artwork & Painting

Let Jc Barber Art captivate you with their story, the origins, the creative process, and endless inspirations. Immerse yourself in a world of boundless creativity.

From the beginning of a love of creativity, many colourful & interesting artworks, to art networking & selling, there is much to discover and find out about JC Barber Art, the paintings, a story, an artists life & work.


Flowers fae. Oils on Canvas.